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Inverness Courier

Wednesday 11 September 2024

2024 Dunlichity Cup Heat 5

Heat 5 of this year's Dunlichity Cup is on Saturday 14 September at 09.00. The lochans will be closed until 14.00.  

The previous post shows that there is everything to play for!

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2024 Dunlichity Cup Heat 4 Results

Due to holidays and other commitments, only 8 competitors arrived for the 4th heat of this year's competition.

Everyone caught fish, with top place contested by Jim Dick and Ian Woolley with cumulative lengths of 49 inches. Jim won first prize on the basis of the longest second fish! 

Similarly, Matt Thompson and Jimmy Cooper tied for next place, with Jimmy winning third prize by virtue of his second fish.

The latest league table has Jim Dick in first place, with Ian Wooley second and Scott Young in third.  With three heats still to go, the league is wide open, with 18 anglers still in with a chance to win top prizes.

The next heat of the Dunlichity Cup is on Saturday 14 September.

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Friday 5 July 2024

2024 Dunlichity Cup Heat 4

The fourth heat of this year’s Dunlichity Cup will take place on Saturday 6July at 09.00.

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Monday 1 July 2024

2024 Dunlichity Cup Heat 3 Results

Only 9 competitors arrived on a sunny and dry day to compete in the third heat of this year's Dunlichity Cup.

Luke Nicolson set the pace, with two fish measured in the first peg, and his final fish measured at the beginning of the second peg.  His total of 45 inches held the lead until the penultimate peg, when Graham Matheson and Jim Dick measured their final fish.

Graham Matheson ended as heat winner with a total measurement of 50 inches, with Jim Dick second with 48 inches and Luke Nicolson third.

Luke Nicolson, Graham Matheson and Jim Dick 

After three heats, Jim Dick remains in the lead, with Scott Young second and Ian Wooley third.  Everything to play for in the remaining heats!

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Tuesday 28 May 2024

2024 Dunlichity Cup Heat 3

Heat 3 of this year's Dunlichity Cup will take place on Saturday 1 June at 09.00.

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2024 Dunlichity Cup Heat 2

The second heat of this year's Dunlichity Cup began in misty and overcast conditions but thankfully no rain.  The water was still cold.

Newcomers Scott Cameron and Hateley Johnson were welcomed to the group.

The fish were not giving themselves up easily, and again tactics came to the fore, as competitors returned fish then struggled to get their quota.  Only Scott Cameron weighed three fish.

Scott's three fish (15", 19" and 20") secured him first place, with Ian Woolley coming second, Scott Young third and Jim Dick fourth.

Scott Young, Ian Woolley, Scott Cameron and Jim Dick

After two heats, Jim Dick leads Scott Young by two points, with three anglers in third place.

The third heat of this year's Dunlichity Cup is on Saturday 1 June at 09.00.

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Tuesday 30 April 2024

2024 Dunlichity Cup - Heat 1

19 anglers (including 4 Dunlichity Cup newcomers) braved appalling conditions to attend the first heat of this year's Dunlichity Cup.

It was the first heat held under the new Catch & Release format. The format worked smoothly and appeared popular with competitors.

As usual, the first four pegs proved to be the most prolific with 27 fish being measured, with only 7 fish being measured in the remaining three pegs.

Stuart Downie and Scott Young each measured all three fish in the first three pegs, and overall, 7 anglers measured three fish throughout the day.

Newcomer Stuart Downie and Jamie MacGregor Jnr shared first place with a total of 54 inches each, with Neil Pirrie third, an inch behind the winners.

The next heat of the Dunlichity Cup is on Saturday 4 May at 09.00.

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Tuesday 9 April 2024

2024 Dunlichity Cup Rules

Dunlichity Cup C&R Competition Rules - 2024

Heat dates are published on the Fishery Blog.  Heat briefing starts at 09.00.

·       Entry price is £25.  Prizes for each heat are: 1st Place - £60, 2nd Place - £40, 3rd Place - £20, 4th Place - £10.  Season winner will receive £100 + the Cup, Season runner-up will receive £50. Fishery vouchers will be given to the next three placed anglers.  Lunch will be provided.

·       The winner is the person with the longest cumulative length for three fish. 

·       7 x 30 minute pegs are fished, with the draw for pegs taking place after the safety briefing.

·       There is a 30 minute break for refreshments after the 4th peg.

·       Barbless hooks to be fished at all times.  Inspection of hooks may occur and any un-barbed hooks found will result in disqualification.  Traditional fly patterns, no poppers or boobies.

·       Two rods are allowed on the bank but only a single rod may be fished at any time, 6 lb minimum breaking strain line (8lb preferred).

·       All anglers must be in possession of a priest for any damaged fish, which should be dispatched quickly.  Returned fish must be subjected to the minimum of handling. 

·       Anglers will each be provided with tape measures before commencement of the competition. These should be returned at the end.

·       When an angler decides that they have a fish for measuring, they should quickly take it to the angler on the adjoining peg for them to witness the measuring.  Measuring should be in inches.   The fish should then be returned as quickly as possible.  The fish should not be measured before it is taken to the witness.

·       The measurement of the fish is from its nose to the fork of the tail.

·       In the event of two equal length totals, the angler with the longest single fish in the bag will be the winner. If the longest fish are equal lengths, then the length of the second fish will be used to decide the winner.

·       Pegs will move three places to the right at the end of each 30 minute session. 

·       A klaxon or whistle will be used to start and end each peg (5 minutes to move to the next peg – no fishing during this time).  The klaxon or whistle will also be used to signify 5 minutes before the end of the peg. 

·       If an angler has hooked a fish when the end of a peg is signalled, they can either measure the fish or simply return it.  Anglers should aim to vacate their peg and move to the next peg as soon as possible.

·       Anglers are welcome to stay on afterwards at no extra charge to fish catch and release.

·       Anglers to observe all Fishery Safety rules.

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Thursday 4 April 2024

2024 Fishery Prices

This year's trial move to a Catch & Release policy only means that we are able to retain the same Catch & Release prices for another year.  These are as follows:

2 Hours - £14
3 Hours - £16
4 Hours - £18
6 Hours - £20
All Day  - £22

Senior citizens (65 and over) and Juniors (15 or under and supervised by a paying adult) receive £2 off each ticket.  Please make us aware that you qualify for the discount.

The Midweek Special is also retained, with an All Day Catch & Release ticket reduced to £19 on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays (no further discounts to this rate).

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Monday 25 March 2024

2024 Dunlichity Cup

The dates have been set for this year’s Dunlichity Cup:

Heat 1 - Saturday 13 April
Heat 2 - Saturday 4 May
Heat 3 - Saturday 1 June
Heat 4 - Saturday 6 July
Heat 5 - Saturday 14 September
Heat 6 - Saturday 5 October
Heat 7 - Saturday 2 November

Revised prices and competition rules reflecting the move to a Catch and Release only policy will be issued in due course.

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2024 Season - New Arrangements re Opening Times and Catch and Release only

The fishery reopens on Monday 8 April.  We are introducing some new arrangements this year around opening times and a move to catch and release only.

Opening Hours

We will be open from 09.00 to 20.00 or dusk, whichever is the earlier. The last two hour ticket will be issued before 18.00.  If there is nobody fishing at 18.00, the fishery will close.

Catch and Release Only

In 2024, we are going to trial a policy of Catch and Release only.  There are a number of reasons for us to trial this policy:

1.  The price of fish has been rising rapidly over the past few years and has now reached a level where we don’t believe that it is practical to pass the cost on to our anglers.

2.  The vast majority of our anglers now already fish Catch and Release.

3.  It is easier to manage the fishery if we know everyone is fishing the same type of ticket.

We will continue to regularly stock the lochans, review the ongoing health of the fish and monitor catch numbers. We will solicit feedback throughout the season and make a final decision whether to continue with the policy at the end of the year.

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Tuesday 19 March 2024

Fishery Reopens Monday 8 April

The fishery will reopen on Monday 8 April at 09.00.

There will be some new arrangements for the fishery this year and details will be contained in a separate post.

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